Supermodel Carol Alt, 53, is leading the charge of “women of a certain age” who are proving that your beauty does not become a thing of the past once you leave your 20s or 30s. Alt, host of Fox News’ “A Healthy You andamp; Carol Alt”, says, “You’re 50. Be graceful, be gorgeous. Embrace it because the more you fight it the more ridiculous you look.”
This ridiculous look she refers to is the trend of women in their 50s to dress inappropriately in an effort to look younger. “I see all these women trying to mimic young girls,” she said, with puffed-up lips, hair dyed too blonde, and being “super, super” thin. “I think over a certain age, being too skinny makes you look older.”
Alt is not necessarily against plastic surgery, either, but she thinks it should be done tastefully. “There’s something about growing old as gracefully as possible. I’m not against work, I’m just against too much work where you’re trying too hard and people can tell.
“I don’t care how much plastic surgery you get,” She continues, “a 20-year-old guy is not going to look at the 80-year-old woman. Meanwhile, the 40-year-old guy is looking at the 80-year-old woman, and that’s cool.”
Alt is not the only over-50 woman taking the fashion and modeling world by storm. Mature models are en vogue in the industry. Legendary agency Wilhelmina International recently conducted a model search for women 30 and older. 81-year-old fashion model Carmen Dell’Orefice is still doing ad campaigns and fashion week shows, despite being three to four times older than today’s models. Roxanne Gould’s gray hair has become her signature, and she works nationally more now, at 55, than she did when she was younger, with dark brown hair.
“It’s such an interesting path to be on, to see these changes I’m going through,” Gould says, “It’s almost like a metamorphosis — who am I becoming? I think that if we listen to our bodies, as we age, it helps you age gracefully.”
Alt and Gould agree that coming to terms with the aging process has not been easy. The heath and beauty changes that come with aging were a surprise to Alt: “My mother’s generation didn’t really talk about that stuff,” she says “A lot of things were just a shock to me…I think women need to know what’s going to happen and know what’s next.”
It may seem simple for women as beautiful as these models to continue to age beautifully, but any woman can do it, if she takes care of herself and makes herself a priority. There are ways to keep yourself looking and feeling young and beautiful, inside and out.
Be happy! Your attitude can have a big effect on the length and quality of your life. According to one study, older people have a 35% smaller chance of dying if they are content, excited, or happy on a typical day, regardless of finances or physical or mental health. Devote some time to whatever makes you happy, whether it’s reading a book, dancing, or spending time with family.
You can give your body a little nudge to help slow the aging process. Collagen, the fibrous protein in your body that keeps your skin taught and firm, starts depleting in our late teens. Once you turn 18, collagen decreases by about 1% per year. But many natural collagen creams contain peptides, which send signals to our body, telling it to kick start collagen production. Not only will collagen restore skin’s elasticity and eliminate wrinkles, but it also improves fingernail and hair health.
It’s important to realize that you will never be 20 again, no matter how had you try, how you dress, or how much plastic surgery you have. But that isn’t a bad thing! “It takes courage to allow [the past] to slip through your fingers, because it’s gone,” Gould says, “It’s over, it’s past and, personally, I want to be in the now and look forward to the future and be grateful for the past. I don’t have all that youth. I don’t want to sour my life by trying to grab onto it.”
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