Third Quarter Real Estate Analysis Shows Decrease in Resale Price for Mobile County Homes
Homeowners in Alabama will be disappointed to learn that their state ranks towards the bottom when it comes to average resale price gain. According to GlobeSt.com, the statistics are part of RealtyTrac’s third quarter analysis for its annual U.S. Home Sales Report, which studies trends in the country’s real estate market. The Mobile metro area…
Shocking New Study Finds That Over 139,000 Alabamians Fall Into Health Insurance Coverage Gap
A large percentage of Alabama residents fall into an enormous gap in health insurance coverage that leaves many without a place to turn for affordable care. According to the Montgomery Advertiser, a whopping 139,000 Alabamians fall into a gap that prevents them from receiving health insurance through neither Medicaid nor the Affordable Care Act. The…
Montgomery Recycling Facility Shuts Down Due to Market Pricing Decreases
Alabamians who have been dedicating time and effort into recycling are disappointed by the news of a local recycling facility shutting down due to financial concerns. According to Recycling Today, Infinitus Renewable Energy Park Montgomery (IREP) has ceased operations after its parent company, Infinitus Energy, pulled the plug on the once-successful plant. Infinitus Energy released…
For Breast Cancer Survivors, Tattoos Are a Symbol of Strength and Recovery
In the past, tattoos were associated with the socially rebellious and the morally dubious. But in present society, tattoos can be seen everywhere — from the white collar working world to the field of education. In fact, more than 20% of U.S. adults have tattoos now. And often times, these tattoos can hold serious meaning,…
Many Local Officials in Alabama Aren’t Happy With the Final Settlement of BP’s 2010 Oil Spill
It’s been five years since the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill ravaged several Gulf states, and BP finally reached a multibillion-dollar settlement with U.S. federal courts in what the Wall Street Journal has described as “a monumental legal showdown.” The total settlement amount is more than $20 billion, and it’s reportedly the largest settlement the…
Trader Joe’s Just Opened in Birmingham and People Across Alabama Can’t Even
It was a Tuesday morning on a cool October day, and Birmingham was buzzing like it was already Black Friday. Trader Joe’s just opened a new location in the city and on Oct. 13 at 8 a.m., the excitement was almost too much to handle. Residents told AL.com that they planned on waking up extra-early…
One of the Most Expensive Estates in the Country for Sale in Mobile
Prospective home buyers in Alabama better start saving up their pennies if they want a chance at one of the most lavish homes in America. According to local news affiliate WKRG, the Shoal Creek estate in Mobile at 7 Montagel Way will be sold to the highest bidder at the end of October. Its owner,…
Alabama Emergency Crews Travel to S.C. To Help Assess Flood Damage
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley approved the deployment of emergency personnel to South Carolina on Monday, Oct. 5 to help residents repair the damage caused by Hurricane Joaquin. As CNN stated, “The rain may have stopped, but South Carolina is grappling with a host of new concerns. Dam breaks. Billions of dollars in damage. And rivers…
Alabama is the Fifth Most Obese State
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released new statistics on obesity rates in each of the 50 states, and Alabama has ranked at number five. The study was done by polling state health departments. Results of the study showed that staggering 33.5% of all adults living in Alabama aren’t just mildly overweight —…
Alabama Ranks as the 5th Most Obese State
In a recent national survey, 50 states were ranked according to their levels of obesity among their population. The state of Alabama was voted one of the most obese states in the country, coming in at number five. The data was released by the State of Obesity, an organization that advocates for better policies for…