No one wants to get in a motorcycle accident, but unfortunately, they are not uncommon when you’re a regular motorcycle rider. For this reason, there is protective gear you should wear when on any kind of motorcycling including a cruiser motorcycle, Indian sport motorcycle, or a sports bike. Keep reading to learn what protective gear you should wear when on a cruiser motorcycle.
The first piece of gear you should wear when on a cruiser motorcycle is a helmet. There is a type of helmet that only covers the top of the head and is referred to as a brain bucket. This is not the type of protective helmet you want. You should go with at least a three-quarters helmet to protect the base and top of your skull or even a full-face helmet for complete protection. Whatever helmet you choose, make sure it is DOT certified.
The second piece of protective gear you should wear on a cruiser motorcycle is a quality jacket. The jacket should have slots for armor like arm, shoulder, or back armor for extra protection.
To learn about more types of protective gear you should wear on a cruiser motorcycle, watch the video above!