On November 13, 2015, the world went silent in shock and horror as France fell victim to several terrorist attacks that killed 130 people and injured over 350. In the wake of these attacks, which were later attributed to Isis, the world banded together in support and solidarity.
But not everyone responded with love and support. Worldwide, many people have acted in fear, discriminating against Muslims and Muslim-owned business.
Many select Muslim-owned spiritual centers and Muslim-owned businesses have been barraged with threats and acts of vandalism. According to the New York Post, a Colorado store called Isis Books and Gifts — which has no connection whatsoever to the militant terrorist organization — has been the target of repeated vandalism.
But a Birmingham businesses that bears a name dangerously close to Isis has been spared such thoughtless acts of vandalism. Based in Pelham, Issis and Sons is a furniture, flooring, and Oriental-style rug store that has four locations across the metro area. Oriental style rugs are typically made with two materials: wool and silk.
Issis and Sons has been in the area for decades, and since the Paris attacks have experienced zero issues.
“We have had none. We’ve been here 35 years and we’ve had no problems at all,” said Joe Savoie, manager at Issis and Sons Flooring on Pelham Parkway.
The company, founded by the Issis family, has an extra “s” and is pronounced differently than the Muslim extremist group.
And perhaps those linguistic idiosyncrasies have protected the business from the attacks experienced by businesses worldwide, like Isis Books and Gifts.
“Some ignorant people believing that somehow the terrorists have a store, a gift store, in the middle of Denver, Colorado,” said Jeff Harrison, co-owner of Isis Books and Gifts.
As far as Issis and Sons goes, the businesses has no plans to change its name in the near future.
“ISIL, they can go to Hell, but we’re going to stay here,” Savoie said.
“We have had an established name here for 35 years and everyone knows us.”