Alabama Dental Clinic Offers Affordable Care for the Underprivileged
A dental office can help patients fix the problems that have developed with their teeth. People might say: my teeth are so bad. They might assume that nothing can be done to fix their teeth, and they’ll have to live with certain dental concerns for most of their lives. Instead, you should remind yourself that…
Divorce Documents of Gov. Bentley and First Lady Sealed Upon Joint Request
If you’re looking for some hot gossip on Governor Robert’s Bentley’s impending divorce from the soon-to-be-former-First Lady, Dianne Bentley, you’re out of luck. A Tuscaloosa judge recently ordered that the divorce records of Alabama’s governor be kept sealed from the public eye. Tuscaloosa County Circuit Judge Elizabeth Hamner, who was appointed to her position by…
Alabama Rally Lacking In Attendance Tally
In the 2013 U.S. census, descendants of confederate soldiers numbered anywhere between 50 and 80 million. This makes being a confederate descendant even more common than having acne! (As the most common skin condition in the country, it still only affects 40 to 50 million people.) That being said, organizers of the Alabama Flaggers Secession…
U.S. Steel’s Alabama Furnace Plan on Schedule
U.S. Steel Corp. says that the new electric arc furnace at its Fairfield Works facility outside Birmingham will be completed on schedule, in the second half of 2016. That furnace will replace an aging blast furnace that is being idled, a move that could result in the loss of over 600 jobs starting this month,…
University of Alabama Sorority Shoots Flirty Recruitment Video — and Draws Ire of Internet
A University of Alabama sorority has come under fire after releasing a recruitment video featuring sorority members. Critics say that the imagery is too focused on sorority sisters’ beauty and contains very little, if any, diversity. The Alpha Phi sorority published the recruitment video on YouTube but took it down amid accusations of objectifying women.…
The Most Important Lessons Parents Can Teach Children
Teaching children to always say please and thank you, respect their elders, use good table manners, always tell the truth, and not talk to strangers are respectively the top five most important lessons parents can give their kids, according to a new poll. Following a detailed poll of the United Kingdom’s mothers and fathers, researchers…
Everything We Know About Google’s Epic New Alabama Data Center…
Many people might not know exactly what a data center is. In fact, a data center is a building, group of buildings, or a special space within a building that is used to house computer systems, as well as components that are associated with these systems. These may include storage systems and telecommunications systems, for…
High-Heel Injuries on the Rise, University of Alabama Study Finds
American women love wearing high heels, but new research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggests that the habit is taking a greater toll than ever. “High-heeled shoes might be stylish,” lead researcher Gerald McGwin, vice chair of the UAB school of public health’s epidemiology department, said in a news release. “[But] from a…
Rep. Accuses Judges Of Blocking DUI Law, Risking Lives
Republican Representative Allen Farley, currently serving his second term in the Alabama House of Representatives, is sounding the alarm bell about repeat DUI offenders. On Memorial Day he spoke out against state judges who refuse to implement a newly passed state law cracking down on drunk driving. The state representative sponsored the Ignition Interlock Bill,…
Alabama Company to Install Solar Powered Charging Stations in Public Areas
People nowadays are more environmentally aware and want to have homes and cities that use energy efficiently. Solar companies are at the cutting edge of innovation, and one is installing charging stations in Alabama. Strictly solar energy might not be enough to power everything right now, but it’s the future. It’s time to embrace it.…